Covid-19 Vaccination Details


Vaccinate Your Family.

Covid-19 Vaccination, corona, corona virus, corona vaccine, covid-19 dose, corona dose, covid-19 symptoms, covid-19 registration, coronavirus,

1. Why you should take vaccine?

Corona causes 2 to 4 deaths per 100 people.

Even if the effect is due to vaccination, it is less than 1 in a lakh

It doesn't matter if it is fatal or not.

Therefore, it is necessary to vaccinate against the disease.


2. Is vaccination permanent?

To prevent death due to unacceptable vaccination

100% permanence. It has healing and healing properties.


3. Is the vaccine safe?

The reliefs are in full swing.


4. What vaccine will we get?

Is there an option?

Now, at least for now - Siram's vaccine

Is available. There are some exceptions

Vaccines are very effective so  the vaccine

Sutter has reopen.


5. Who should be vaccinated in Second stage?

Every one over 60 and serious over 45

Sick people like

Cancer, kidney disease etc.

These can be taken near you. For this

Register on Cowan app or get vaccinated

Come to the center and register.

Covid-19 Vaccination, corona, corona virus, corona vaccine, covid-19 dose, corona dose, covid-19 symptoms, covid-19 registration, coronavirus,


6. What are the consequences after vaccination?

Might be

Fever, nausea, headache, nausea, vomiting, weakness


The results are modest. That

Lasts 1 to 2 days. With simple paracetamol / crocin

Feels good. Some show no symptoms at all. Of the above

There is no reason to panic if anything happens. It's the body

It is a sign that the immune system is working


7. What to prepare before going for vaccination

Should do

The vaccine should be given as soon as possible. Don't go hungry

This can cause the vaccine setter to take less time

Foot bottle, dry food, biscuits

, Kokum syrup or

Take lemon juice.   As well as

Take your  Aadhaar card or pan card with you.


8. How often should the vaccine be taken?

The first dose is usually taken 28 days after the second dose

Should take.


9. Should people with cancer and other diseases be vaccinated?

Of course, consult your oncologist / doctor first and then get vaccinated


10. Should people who take steroids for heart disease, kidney disease, transplants, arthritis be vaccinated?

100% .... Basically, the vaccine is made for these people

Such diseases are co-morbidity. To get vaccinated

Which of the following is the appropriate period?

Get vaccinated on the advice of your doctor.

Covid-19 Vaccination, corona, corona virus, corona vaccine, covid-19 dose, corona dose, covid-19 symptoms, covid-19 registration, coronavirus,


11. Alzheimer's (Asthma) Should people be vaccinated?

Of course you can take it, but if it is too much, before that

Consult your doctor.


12. Should take I take the vaccine after the covid?

Yes, 100% because of the controversy that arises after Kovad

Occurs over time. Immunity to vaccines lasts longer.


13. When should I get vaccinated if I have just got covid?

Vaccination should be done after 8 to 12 weeks.




14. I follow the rules, I haven't had a corona in a year, Although mine immunity is good, should  I take vaccine?

100 percent ...... yes

Covid-19 Vaccination, corona, corona virus, corona vaccine, covid-19 dose, corona dose, covid-19 symptoms, covid-19 registration, coronavirus,


15. Should children be vaccinated?

Do not give to children below 16 years.


16. Should pregnant women be vaccinated?

No data available at this time so it should not be given at present


17. Do I have to wear a mask while getting vaccinated?

Yes. Vaccination will not be followed by negligence.

Mack, the sanitizer needs to be used.

Covid-19 Vaccination, corona, corona virus, corona vaccine, covid-19 dose, corona dose, covid-19 symptoms, covid-19 registration, coronavirus,


18. Will there not be 100% corona after vaccination?

It's not strange, but even if it happens, it will be mild.


19. What is the purpose of vaccination if corona is to occur even after vaccination?

1. Avoiding the second wave of cowardice.

2. Reducing mortality.

3. Reducing the number of critically ill patients


20. When will the immune system be formed after vaccination?

Symptoms 45 days after the first dose

Strength is created but for this take a second dose after 28 days

Is needed

Covid-19 Vaccination, corona, corona virus, corona vaccine, covid-19 dose, corona dose, covid-19 symptoms, covid-19 registration, coronavirus,

Take Care of your family.

Please use mask & sanitizer.

Wash your hands regularly. 

See you Soon,

Techy Hreedaya.

If you have any additional information please let us know in comment section. 


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